
Pinkkiä ja kesäistä / Pink and Summery

Syksyn keskelle vähän kesäistä tunnelmaa. Leimakuva on The Greeting Farmin ja kuva on väritetty ProMarkereilla. Taustapaperi on Upikitin Peony Love -lehtiöstä. Perhonen on stanssattu ja maalattu kimallemaalilla. 

Some summer feeling in the middle of autumn. The stamp is from The Greeting Farm and I've colored the image with ProMarkers. The patterned paper is from Upikit Peony Love pad. I've die cut the butterfly and painted it with glitter paint.

Kortilla mukana näissä haasteissa / I would like to enter my card in the following challenges: 

Crafty Little Fairies Challenge - Only 1 DP
ABC Challenge - U for Unique (anything goes)
Passion for ProMarkers Challenge - Make it feminine
TGF: Farm Fresh Friday - Wings (butterfly)
Deep Ocean Challenge - At least 1 flower
Hanna & Friends Challenge -  Butterflies

9 kommenttia:

  1. Love your pretty card, Marja!

    Thank you for entering our challenge at Crafty Little Fairies, and good luck in the draw. We would also love you to join us again in future challenges.

    Jennifer. x

  2. Beautiful card and I love how you added the pretty pink butterfly! Thanks so much for joining our FFF "Wings" challenge this week!

  3. So gorgeous Marja.Fab pretty paper and colouring and i love this sweet image.
    Thanks so much for joining in my theme this week at PFP :D

    xx coops xx

  4. Really pretty card, love the wonderful colours, thank you so much for joining us at A Creative Romance, Mel. xx

  5. What a lovely card and love the pretty flowers. Thank you for joining us at ABC CHALLENGE. Good luck and please join us again.

  6. Such a pretty card, love the colours especially! Thanks for playing along with us at PFP this week, Juliexx

  7. Fab card!

    Thanks for joining us at Hanna and Friends.

    Andrea :-)

  8. Oh this looks really cute! Thank you for joining us at ABC Challenge. Hugs! Mojca
