
Nappeja, nappeja / Congrats With Buttons

Poikakortti kaiken pääsiäissöpöstelyn keskelle! Leimakuva on The Greeting Farmin, väritetty Distress-musteilla. Paperit ovat silppulaatikostani ja Onnea-tekstileimasin Stempelkellerin.

A card for a boy in the middle of all the Easter cuteness! The stamp is from The Greeting Farm and I've used Distress Inks for coloring. The papers are from my stash and I can't remember where I got them.

Kortilla mukana näissä haasteissa / I would like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Crafts Galore Challenge - Include fav color (brown)
Cute Card Thursday Challenge - Boys
Delightful Challenge - Square card
Crafty Ribbons Challenge - Anything goes with ribbon
Divas By Design Challenge - Anything goes 
Papertake Weekly Challenge – Anything goes
Loves Rubberstamps Challenge – Anything goes
Charisma Cardz Challenge - Anything goes
Paper Crafting Journey Challenge - Anything goes

7 kommenttia:

  1. Absolutely gorgeous with stunning textures. Loving the earthy tones and the mix of buttons.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Lovely card. I love the textures! Thank you for sharing it with Divas by Design and good luck. Hugs, Justyna xx

  3. so very cute. thanks for joing us at Loves Rubberstamps x

  4. Aw he is lovely. Thanks for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore April Challenge - Use your favourite colour. Kx

  5. Gorgeous design. Thank You for joining us here at Loves Rubber Stamps this week.
    Good Luck, Dangina

  6. Wow, how cute is the camouflage ribbon!! WOW! Love to see you link up to Paper Crafting Challenges – newer card challenge that has 10 more days to play and this theme is Masculine!! Love to see you there! What a great masculine card!
