
Pääsiäisherkkuja / Easter Treat Box

Tein taittelemalla tällaisen laatikon, jonka täytin pienillä suklaamunilla. Paperit ovat Docraftsin 8x8-kokoisesta Summer Bloom -lehtiöstä. Koristeena pari värikästä höyhentä ja kukka, jonka keskellä Tiimarista ostettu pupukoriste.

I made this little Easter treat box with Docrafts 8x8 Summer Bloom papers and filled the box with chocolate eggs.

Kortilla mukana näissä haasteissa / I would like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Inky Impressions Challenge - Easter
Delightful Challenge - Bloom
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge - Icecream colors (rainbow of fruit flavors)
Allsorts Challenge - Spring flowers
Fab ‘n’ Funky Challenge - Flower power
Oldie But A Goodie Challenge -  Easter (my oldie is the papers)
Craft Your Passion Challenge – Bunnies/chicks/eggs

6 kommenttia:

  1. This is beautiful. I love the idea of the Easter box with chocolates inside. The feathers are a gorgeous touch to your cute bunny topper - just lovely - thank you for joining us at Penny's Paper Crafty this week - Michelle x

  2. Aivan ihana! Suloinen pupukoriste ja kauniit paperit.

  3. Such a cute box you made Marja & the chocolate makes my mouth water LOL!!!!

    Thanks so much for playing along with us @ Inky Impressions & hope to see you back again next week for our Recycle challenge!!!!!

  4. Sweet treat box! Cute with the feathers and flower. Lovely little image too, perfect for that creation. Thanks so much for joining us for this weeks Flower Power Challenge at Fab'n'Funky. I wish you the best of luck and Happy Easter! Hugs, Wends x Fab'n'Funky DT

  5. thanks for joining us at inky rubberstamps

  6. Your box is absolutely wonderful, and it's got Chocolate in it!!!!

    Thank you for sharing it with us at Fab 'n' Funky Challenges.

    Anne-Marie x x
